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My first ever post here. (:

For those of you who used to follow reading my blog, im sure that you all must have realized that I havent been blogging for quite awhile.

Reasons for that?

Ive been really busy...

A very simple explanation for not giving my readers something to read huh? XD
But its true. Ive been really really busy. I sort of just moved out from my hostel and now i live in a residential area in Taman Sri Bakau which is in Perlis. To me, for now, Its the best place you could possibly live in if you were me.
Obviously you'll all never be me. XD

Well, at least if you have the same interest for example you enjoy basketball, and you want a place of your own to stay in, then it would most probably be perfect. Although there are quite a few things about the house i dont really like. The place isnt really that big. My hostel is wider. But still, the freedom i get living away from those vultures (referring to hostel wardens) looking over my back every now and then, me having to escape by literally crawling under those fences just to get a drink at the shop nearby (take note that the fence is next to a graveyard), having to come up with excuses for coming back late, not being able to have my own privacy since everyone seems to coming in and out of my house like its their own personal hotel. Its NOT SAFE AT ALL. So my roomie, Ahmad Asiff aka Tesco (i still dont know why they call him that.. XD) and another coursemate Muhamad Aizat aka Ejat moved in with me into my new house.

And now, finally, I got the chance to just get away from all those insecurities. ^^

Lets talk about the environment.


Is that all i have to say about the new place i live in that is so called perfect? XD


I have loads to say.

There's a basketball court which is about a few minutes away from my place.
That time i played basketball from 3am to 6.30am.
Just for the fun of it.
Since the place was indoors. And they had lights.


Ever since i moved into the house this is more or less what my routine.

Morning = Classes
Evening = Sleep Time
Night = Study
2am-5am = Waktu Berhibur XD

Yes i do go out this late and come back that early ever since i met up with this guy.


Yes thats his name. I think. Haha. ^^
He works in a CC called Net Wonderland and the reason its 2am because thats when he's done with work and asks me and my housemates to hang out. We'd usually just chill at a food corner and drink and talk nonsense for hours. Then finally he's be like.. Eh lets go back. Im tired. =="
Then we'd be like.. FINALLY! HE WANTS TO GO BACK! XD
We're like the closest friends he has now.
The rest of his buddies, well, lets just say arent really a good influence to him.
Unlike US. We're nice and fun to hang out with. ^^

And this guy used to be a DJ in clubs in KL and Penang.
Not bad huh? ^^

Okay.. Apart from that...

Money has been a really huge issue for me now as im suffering from so many debts...
I think its one of the tightest moments ive ever been in my life.

Here are the things ive to clear off...

Hostel Rent : Rm420
Friends Loan : Rm150
Car Damage : Rm600
Motorbike : RM1000

Yeah... Its really tight.
Ive been saving up alot.


Well, im sure i'll get through this. ^^

Oh yeah. Apart from that.

Just incase you're all wondering what in the world is a tootle?

Taufiq + Google = Tootle

Im a hotline for anyone at all out there.
In need of any sort of assistance.
I might be able to help.
Think of me as the person you'd go to talk to.
I can listen to whatever you have to say.
Studies, love, money, life. Anything. ^^
Even those assignments you dont think you can do.

And please do refer me to people who you know think might need help. ^^

add me on myspace. ^^


Jeanny said...

Since when you got this new blog?!

TauFiQ said...

since the date this blog was posted? haha. ^^
link me. (:

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